What A Man Is Thinking When He Ignores You (SHOCKER)

When a guy you’re interested in starts ignoring you it can feel like the end of the world.

You start questioning why, and may even trace back through your every move to see where it is that you went wrong. Unfortunately for us women, it’s not an easy task to pinpoint the reason why your man gives you the cold shoulder.

Why Men Ignore You

What if I told you though, that you could prevent this from happening by knowing what a man is thinking when he ignores you? Well, that is exactly what I’m about to share here today.

1. He Never Meant to Show Interest

When it comes to expressing interest in someone it sounds like a straightforward task, however, it’s not hard to send mixed messages. For instance, a man could tell you that you look beautiful, or that you’re fun to be around, and that doesn’t necessarily mean he wants to have a relationship with you.

If he feels that you’re misinterpreting his messages then he may try to combat it by ignoring you. Yes, I know this sound childish but believe me, it happens.

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The truth is, guys don’t ignore girls, especially when they like them. Unlike us women, it’s not as easy for a guy to play hard to get — unless of courses he’s just toying with your feelings, in which case you don’t want to be with him anyways.

2. He’s Bored

Men love the thrill of the chase, which is why it’s so important for women to let men chase them.

As the old saying goes, “guys want what they can’t have,” … at least not what they can have easy. When a man has to work to win you over, you become more valuable to him.

Women often make the mistake of chasing the man they’re into. The problem with that it makes him feel like it didn’t take much work to get to you, which in his mind, devalues your worth, leading to a breakup. To avoid mistakenly chasing him, pull back everything you are throwing at him — the communication, availability, the whole shebang, and be sure that you’re not the one asking him to hangout.

3. He’s Annoyed

Now this one should be a bit more obvious, I mean, you should be able to track back and realize what you did to annoy him. But then again, it’s not always that easy. You may completely overlook his reason for being annoyed. Maybe it’s because you’re too needy. Or maybe you don’t even remember saying or doing whatever it was that got on his nerves.

This sounds absurd, but it happens all the time. How many times have you seen, be it in real life or on television, a situation where the woman is clearly annoyed by her man but he has no clue why. To make matters worse she probably responds with “I’m fine” when he asks what’s wrong…. You know what I’m talking about!

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When a man is annoyed with you his instinct reaction is to not be around you, hence why it feels like he’s ignoring you. The thing is, he may not even see it as “ignoring” but rather that he needs some space to blow off steam. If you feel like this is the case then it’s important that you give him some time to cool off.

If after a couple days you still haven’t heard from him then you may want to reach out to him. If he responds then ask him if something bothered him. Once you know the things that make you man tick you’ll be less likely to do them again in the future.

What A Man Is Thinking When He Ignores You (SHOCKER)

About Amy North

Amy North is a women's relationship coach and best-selling author from Vancouver, Canada. Her high-acclaimed programs include "Text Chemistry" and "The Devotion System", both of which have helped thousands of women from around the world find (and keep) the man of their dreams.

Copyright © Amy North