How to Get Him Hooked In a Week

If you were to poll a thousand guys asking about their dream girl, there are a few popular answers you’d hear. Knowing these answers is exactly what you’ll need to get the guy you’re into hooked.

Here are the five big ones.

1. Smile

When you think about what attracts men most, you may automatically assume it’s a busty chest, smokin’ body, or legs that go on for days. What might not come as quickly to mind is a smile.

Since guys are drawn to positive women who make them feel good, through smiling you can radiate this kind of positive energy.

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Even better, is that smiling is contagious, which means seeing your toothy grin will cause him to return the gesture. When this happens his brain will release endorphins that’ll make him feel good, and soon enough he’ll associate you with his happiness.

2. Ask Him Questions

Even if he’s not the kind of guy who thrives in the spotlight, showing him that you’re genuinely interested in his life will do wonders for getting him hooked.

The good news is you don’t have to throw yourself at him to make it known how you feel, but instead you can do so by asking him questions about his life, interests, job, friends, plans, dreams, the works.

When he does open up to you, it’s important that you listen, and prove that he has your attention.

For instance, if he tells you about his accomplishments, praise him. If he shares his woes, let him know you’re there if he needs you. When you can give him the attention and support that every man craves, he’ll feel valued and important. This is how you create chemistry with any man.

3. Show Him Your Soft Side

Letting the guy you’re into see your soft feminine side is important for a few reasons, but before I get into this point, let me say this.

It’s totally cool to be a strong, independent woman, to have your own life, and to let him know that you are your own person. At the same time, letting him know that you “need him” for certain things is a good way to get him hooked.

Whether this means asking him to reach, open or fix something for you, or seeking his opinion on something he’s a bit of an “expert” in, making it known that you want and appreciate his help is a great way to make him feel needed.

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Of course you don’t want to over do it or make yourself out to be a damsel in distress, but with the right balance, letting him see your vulnerabilities can be extremely attractive. Best of all, showing him your soft side will encourage him to open up to you, and can even help strengthen your connection.

4. Don’t Rush Into Bed

As tempted as you may be to hop in the sack with the guy who’s gotten you all ga-ga, don’t. Especially if you want to get him hooked.

This doesn’t mean you can’t get at all intimate with him, in fact, some kissing and cuddling is totally fine. What I do mean though, is that if you’re looking to get him hooked in seven days then sleeping with him during that time may take away a bit of the pursue and excitement.

When you keep him waiting it will keep him wanting you, and this will, in turn, prevent him from pulling away.

5. Be Your Best Self

Take a moment to think about the past relationships you’ve been in, and ask yourself which of your qualities you didn’t like in that relationship. For instance, maybe you were the jealous type and let your insecurities show, or maybe you had a bad temper. Now is your chance to start over, so make a point to avoid those attitudes and behaviours.

The best part of meeting someone new is it’s a clean state for you to start fresh as well. By bringing your best self to the relationship you’ll be sure to get him hooked in no time!

How to Get Him Hooked In a Week

About Amy North

Amy North is a women's relationship coach and best-selling author from Vancouver, Canada. Her high-acclaimed programs include "Text Chemistry" and "The Devotion System", both of which have helped thousands of women from around the world find (and keep) the man of their dreams.

Copyright © Amy North