How to Love Dating Again

Once you’ve been hurt it can be tough to open yourself up to the idea of loving someone again. As terrifying as dating and the vulnerabilities that come with it may seem though, it can also be a lot of fun!

Love Dating Again in 4 Steps

The good news is that it doesn’t matter if you’ve been through dating hell in the past, once you put these four tips to use you’ll feel like a new woman, ready to meet and mingle with all kinds of men.

1. Let Go Of the Past

If you want to love dating again, chances are you’ve had crappy experiences in the past. As tough as it can be to forget about those unpleasant encounters, it’s important you do.

If you forever hold onto the idea that dating sucks or worry about getting hurt, then you won’t be able to open yourself up to new experiences and meet potentially great guys.

Of course this is easier said than done, and it makes sense why you’d have your guard up in this situation. However, if you’re carrying around baggage it’s going to be hard to make room for any new romantic interests. Don’t let old wounds get in the way of new love.

2. Be Open to New Ideas

Let’s say you meet a man and the two of you hit it off. You have quite a bit in common and the conversation between you is flowing. Then he pops the question: Will you go on a date with him.

At this point one part of you is excited about the opportunity, but the other part is nervous about putting yourself out there again, or uncertain about what it is he wants to do together. If you’re looking to love dating again then it’s important that you open yourself up to new ideas and experiences.

Here’s the thing: every man admires and wants to be with a woman who is carefree and goes with the flow. This means that when the opportunity to go out with a guy you’re into arises, you should always say yes – regardless of what it is he’s proposing. Besides, you may even discover something new to love.

3. Don’t Take It Too Seriously

Dating is meant to be fun, so it’s important that you let your guard down and embrace a playful mindset. When you do you’ll not only enjoy dating more, but it’ll also make you much more attractive to men.

Since dating is simply a matter of two people getting together, you shouldn’t feel uncomfortable or pressured while doing so – and if you do, well, you’re doing it all wrong.

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Sure it’s normal to have first date jitters, but instead of letting your nerves get the best of you, realize there’s no reason to be taking things too seriously. Besides, if you’re looking for a potential mate then you want it to be with someone you can be yourself around, so show him your true colours from the start.

4. Focus On You!

While on a date it’s easy to focus on and pinpoint the qualities you like and dislike about the guy you’re with, but it’s important that you focus on your own qualities as well.

Pay attention to what makes you smile, gets your laughing, or gives you goosebumps. Make note of what conversations make you a uncomfortable, and the topics that let your best self shine.

Since dating is a great way to learn more about yourself, do so. The things you discover you can use to your advantage on future dates. For instance, if you know that you get nervous when it comes time to pay the bill then you can prepare yourself for it in the future and pre-plan your game plan. Or if you’re not the best at initiating conversations, then you can come up with some topics to chat about before meeting him.

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Knowing your strengths and weaknesses can improve your dating game huge, so be sure to focus on you!

How to Love Dating Again

About Amy North

Amy North is a women's relationship coach and best-selling author from Vancouver, Canada. Her high-acclaimed programs include "Text Chemistry" and "The Devotion System", both of which have helped thousands of women from around the world find (and keep) the man of their dreams.

Copyright © Amy North