10 Things Guys Find Unattractive

Knowing what men find attractive is one thing, but have you ever thought about the things they find unattractive? The little quirks and cues that turn them off?

Things Guys Find Unattractive

Here are the top 10 things that guys find unattractive. Chances are you’re doing a few of these without even knowing.

1. Too Much Makeup

How many times have you been afraid to leave the house without doing your hair or makeup? While it’s one thing to care about your appearance, you may be surprised to know that men aren’t actually into the whole makeup thing.

Now this doesn’t mean that it’s wrong to wear mascara or a bit of cover up, especially if these things make you feel more confident and sexy, but when women go overboard with makeup and get what guys like to call “cake face,” that’s not a look they find attractive.

So then, when I say too much makeup some of the things I’m talking about are clumpy mascara, overdrawn eyebrows, extreme eyeshadow, thick foundation, bright lipstick, the works.

Sure, some men are into these kind of aesthetics, but on the larger scale, guys do consider overdone makeup to be unattractive. Keep in mind that when it comes to what men are attracted to, natural beauty trumps cosmetics.

2. Bad Breath

Now this is a bit of a universal turn off, because I can’t imagine any man or woman being okay with bad breath. To avoid being a victim of a foul smelling mouth, make oral hygiene a top priority, and when possible carry around a travel toothbrush, mints or gum.

This is especially important for you women who smoke or enjoy drinking coffee. Being aware of the substances that leave you with bad breath is the first step to conquering it.

3. Dry or Oily Skin

Before you get upset about this one, I’m well aware that dry or oily skin issues can be tough to manage, and often times they’re related to bigger medical issues. I understand that completely. However, since I’m covering a list of what guys find unattractive, it would be unfair to not include this on the list.

To keep this one short, just note that these skin types are not attractive to most men, so do what you can to take care of yourself.

4. Dressing Sloppy

So many women confuse sexiness and sloppiness. For instance, having your bra hanging out is not sexy. Seeing your thong above your pants is not sexy. Wearing a dress or skirt so short that your fanny peeks out when you bend over is not sexy. Simply put, sexy is not showing too much, and even though you may think that guys find it attractive, they really don’t.

In fact, showing areas of skin that aren’t associated with sex is what’s attractive to them — think sleeveless tops, scooped collars and fitted skirts. This is where “less is more” comes into play. Leaving something to his imagination is what’s really attractive.

5. Gossiping

Women are known for it’s gossiping. And that’s not usually a good thing. True, not every woman feels the need to talk about other’s and their personal lives, but in the grand scheme of things, women do gossip MUCH more than men, which is why it’s no surprise that men find gossiping so unattractive.

A big part of why guys don’t like gossiping is because it brings out a woman’s insecure side. Since gossiping tends to be a negative thing, talking poorly of someone else doesn’t do you any favours when it comes to looking good in his eyes. It’s a major turn off for men.

What’s worse is that when you gossip around a guy it makes him worry that you’ll badmouth him to others when he’s not around. That makes you hard to trust, so simply put, avoid speaking negatively of others.

6. Lying

Similar to my previous point, lying to a man makes you hard to trust, which again, is why guys find it so unattractive. No man wants to be with a woman who makes him second guess everything that comes out of her mouth. Just like you wouldn’t want to be with someone that made you question their words, neither do men.

Lying to a man is never a good idea, especially since chances are that the truth will eventually come out and then you’re left cleaning up a mess that could have easily been avoided.

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Moral of the story: don’t lie. It does you no favours.

7. Being Self Centred

Have you ever been on a date with a guy who thought the whole world revolved around him? He probably talked over you or spent hours bragging about all his accomplishments. While this can easily be mistaken for confidence, realizing someone is self-centred is a huge turn off.

Sure, it’s totally fine to be proud of yourself and show the world that you’re a strong, capable woman, but it’s another thing if you take it too far. And by that I mean putting yourself above others, craving attention, lacking empathy and thinking you know it all. Really it comes down to being entitled, and it’s not an attractive way to be.

8. Cell Phone Obsession

Now this one is more to the point, but guys find it SO unattractive when a woman is obsessed with her cell phone. And rightfully so!

Going on a date with someone who is constantly glued to their phone screen not only feels disrespectful, but it also tells him that whoever you’re talking to, or whatever you’re doing is more important that him.

And no excuses here either. It doesn’t matter if you want to “check in” on Facebook or post a photo of your meal to Instagram, when you’re with a guy do your best to leave your phone alone.

9. Cursing Like a Sailor

If you’re watching this video right now then chances are you have at some point in time, swore. Perhaps you do all the time and it’s become a habit, or maybe you save your f-bombs for those really necessarily moments.

While a little swearing here and there is fine, guys find it unattractive when women swear ALL THE TIME. Why? Because it isn’t sexy to them, in fact, it probably even reminds them of hanging out with their buddies.

Sure this varies from man to man, but in general cursing like a sailor isn’t cute. It’s actually brash or even tough sounding. If you want to squeeze your way into a man’s heart then you want to be seen as his lady, not a foul mouth.

10. Nagging and Complaining

Now it’s not just men who find this unattractive, but women also have a hard time being around men who do nothing but nag and complain. It really dampers the whole mood.

To avoid this keep your conversations positive and fun. Positivity is a quality that men find irresistibly attractive.

Yes, there will be times when it seems impossible to put on a smile, but in those moments try your best not to lash out or over-vent to him. Being able to talk to a guy about your issues is one thing, but being a constant downer is another.


10 Things Guys Find Unattractive

About Amy North

Amy North is a women's relationship coach and best-selling author from Vancouver, Canada. Her high-acclaimed programs include "Text Chemistry" and "The Devotion System", both of which have helped thousands of women from around the world find (and keep) the man of their dreams.

Copyright © Amy North